My 14 yr old struggles with homework and study. She might have ADHD.

Is my 11 year old burnt out from school?

My teenager’s friends are a bad influence.

My teenage sons do not get on with each other

My 12 year old has been dropped by her friends

We are separating, how can we help our children cope?

Emetophobia: How to help my daughter’s phobia of vomiting?

How can I help my unhappy 15 year old daughter?

Should we allow our 17-year-old to drink at home with us?

My 12-year-old is finding it hard to sleep

I think my young teenager is too young to have a boyfriend

My son is struggling to settle into secondary school

Should I allow my 13-year-old to post on YouTube?

My autistic teenager is constantly online

My gifted son hates school

Does my daughter have PDA?

My 14yr old is worried about war

Parenting During the Covid Crisis Tip Sheets

How can I get my teenager to engage in online school?

My 15-year-old son is heartbroken after breaking up with his girlfriend

My 10-year-old is stealing treats and lying about it

‘Pressure Points’ Part 1: Being Protective V Being Permissive

‘Pressure Points’ Part 6: Building your child’s resilience

‘Pressure Points’ Part 5: How to help your child avoid ‘falling in with the wrong crowd’

‘Pressure Points’ Part 4: Making rules and building responsibility

‘Pressure Points’ Part 3: Talking to your children about dangers

‘Pressure Points’ Part 2: Five ways to connect with your children

‘Pressure Points’ 6-part series: How to help your children make good choices

Has my shouting damaged my children?

Healthy Families Series Part 5: Getting Enough Sleep and Rest

Healthy Families Series Part 6: Nurturing Family Relationships

Healthy Families Series Part 4: Managing Screens and Technology at Home

Healthy Families Series Part 2: Replacing Bad Habits with Good Ones

Healthy Families Series Part 3: Enjoying Mealtimes Together

Healthy Families Series Part 1: Bringing Up Happy, Healthy Children

My 16-year-old is self-harming

How can I stick to the rules with my teenager?

Sensitive son starting secondary school

Building Self-Esteem in Children

My 16-year-old is obsessed with make-up

My daughter hates secondary school

My teenager is getting in trouble and I can’t get through to him

Our daughter is struggling since the death of a classmate

My 11-year-old daughter is struggling with friends

Tourette’s Syndrome: Help me help my son

How can I help my daughter knuckle down to study?

Our teenager seems down in the dumps and withdrawn

My 13-year-old son is addicted to online gaming

How to talk to children about terrorism and murder?

How should I explain my brother’s suicide to my son?

Coping with Social Anxiety

I feel guilty about shouting at my children

My 12 year old won’t get up for school

My 14 year old won’t switch off technology at night.

School refusal: My daughter panics at the thought of school

Exam stress is overwhelming my anxious son

How do we tell our children their dad is terminally ill?

Bad behaviour: Our girl is a street angel and a house devil

My teenager wants to be vegetarian but i’m doing all the cooking!

My teenager blames me for the separation

Help me deal with my teen’s insecurities

Is my teenager addicted to technology?

My teenage daughter doesn’t talk to me

How do I help my broken hearted son?

How can we get back to a better family life after a tough year?

Parenting Teenagers: ‘Navigating the Teenage Storm’

Parenting Teenagers: ‘Checking in with your Teenager’

We argue over how to manage the kids, I’m alway’s bad cop.

My 11 year old son has been looking at adult sites online

Should I let my 13 year old go to the teenage disco?

My easy-going 14 year old has no interest in schoolwork

My teenager has panic attacks, how can I help her?

My daughter has been sexting

What rules should I have around technology for my teenagers?

My son blames me for the separation

Competitive Parenting

My 16 year old has been cyberbullied

Should I let my 13 year old on Facebook?

My teenager is missing out due to anxiety

How can I get our daughter back on track after a mental health crisis?

We argue over the best way to parent

Should I allow my 16 year old son to drink alcohol?

My teenager can’t seem to make friends

Building children’s self esteem and confidence

Will an OCD diagnosis for my teenager lead to stigma?

If you suspect your child is being bullied or is a bully

OCD: Does my child have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

My 13 year old is refusing to go to school

Trichotillomania: How can I stop my daughter pulling her hair out?

Teenagers and exam stress

My 13 year old refuses to go to school

Pocket Money: How much should I give?’

I’m worried my teenager may be suicidal

How should I discuss suicide with my children?

My 12-year-old son won’t get out of bed in the morning

PTSD: My teenage son is on edge since he was attacked

We need to be more protective of children online

My teenager is depressed. How can we help him?

Sibling Rivalry: My Teenagers are fighting with each other

I think my 14 year old son might be gay

My son is coming home drunk at night

Are my children doing too many activities?

My teenager’s friends are a bad influence

Trichotillomania: Our daughter is pulling her hair out constantly.

I’m worried about my nephew with ADHD

My teenager’s bad attitude is causing rows

I think my teenager is smoking

My son has very low self esteem

My 17 year old daughter’s boyfriend is 21.

Teen tantrums are disrupting family life

My teenager is unmotivated and has left school

My 14 year old has lost interest in school

My 13 year is challenging our rules

My daughter won’t study or tidy her room

My son is studying so should I relax the rules?

How to explain their father’s alcoholism to teenagers?

My 18 year old is becoming violent and angry

My daughter wants contact with her father whom she has never met

Egg Donation: Should I tell my kids how they were conceived?

Raising an only child

My children are TV addicts, how can I stop it?

My son has been watching porn on his phone

My teenagers don’t talk to each other

My 13 year old daughter won’t accept discipline from my new partner

How to explain teenage pregnancy to my girls?

Coping with Eating Disorders

My 6 year old is overweight, how can i help him?

My son is using cannabis

I’m worried my 16 year old is having sex

My son is studying too much!

16 year old is very withdrawn and aggressive towards his mum